About Us

About Bioingene

An initiative to Promote Plant Science

Bioingene is a not-for-profit online platform where Plant scientists and researchers can present their research in the LIVE WEBINARS, share their research journey through LIVE INTERVIEWS and write ARTICLE on the advancement of Plant Science Research in the world.

The purpose of this webinar series is to make plant research accomplishments public, easy to understand and interesting to hear directly from the mouths of the researchers themselves. The participants can register online, attend the webinar and post questions for the speaker to answer after the presentation. The speakers can share their experiences of designing the experiments, the problems they faced and how to overcome those challenges. Young minds can learn about the art of presenting papers, designing experiments and conducting research in various challenging situations from these presentations.

Bioingene is a combined effort of plant science researchers from different universities, institutes, and organizations in India, USA, Canada, Australia, and other parts of the world. Our combined interests are to promote plant research for public understanding and explore the incredible features of plants for sustainable development.

Bioingene is receiving very good responses from PhD students, scientists, professors, corporate persons, postgraduates, and undergraduates from India and also globally. According to the YouTube data, age groups 18-34 years are the main participants in our online events. All events and activities of Bioingene is FREE for all and OPEN to ALL. 


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